
The latest movement in the symphony of destruction - tearing out the particle board to get to the sub-floor.

The latest movement in the symphony of destruction - tearing out the particle board to get to the sub-floor.

I’d sworn off tearing stuff up until I put a few more things back together, but today was an exception. Tore up the particle-board that used to be underneath the carpet to get to the bottom layer of sub-floor. The thin tongue and groove boards in the back corner are above part of the house without a basement – I assume it was a porch or something at one time, because the windows over there aren’t real (and the old fire maps have that corner of the house drawn differently). The regular boards in the foreground are where the actual house used to end, I think.

Checked out a talk tonight at MCAD by a guy named Dave Jacke put on by the Permaculture Research Institute, which was cool. I’d thought about going but was running late coming back from Brainerd, then Adam called and I was convinced. Thanks, Adam! Very glad I went. It was nice to think about gardening again – it had been out of my mind for a couple of months. The guy liked the hardy kiwi vine – that must be what Andrew used to have. He also suggested planting wild blue indigo flowers under the canopy of your dwarf fruits as a nitrogen fixer (although he said the nitrogen fixers would need full sun – not sure how that works under the canopy, unless he meant that dwarfs cast a light enough shadow that it’s OK). I’m glad Adam called. It was fun.

WordPress has stats for these blogs which I look at sometimes to see which posts generate more interest, etc. (“More interest” is a relative term – there aren’t ever all that many hits.) Once in a while some stranger wanders in by making an oddball Google search. Today I got a hit from someone searching for “full frontalmale stripper photos.” Sure enough, if you put “frontalmale” as one word, PageRank ™ puts me down as number 58 in the googleverse, on account of 1/10/09. I would think there would be money to be made being the number 58 hit looking for full frontal male nudity. I’ve only gotten one hit from it, though. I guess I won’t get to retire as a porn king. It’ll just have to be selling used fryer grease.

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