
A Brief History of Time.

A Brief History of Time.

Ordered a copy of A Brief History of Time from Amazon for $3.95. Errol Morris never released it on DVD, and the only copy I could find on the Internets is a YouTube video with cruddy sound. Mary lent me a VCR & Nick lent me an RCA to digital converter box, so I can get a way to play the thing on my laptop. Thanks, guys!

I remember this being the standard time-filler video in high-school – I didn’t know who Errol Morris was then, but this was the first thing of his I saw.

4 Responses to “6.1.2009”

  1. Aaron Leichter Says:

    Oh wow! I’d love to borrow that from you sometime, or bootleg a copy off yours. I’ve always wanted to see it, even in high school (before I too knew who Morris was).

  2. duboisj Says:

    I’ll get a DVD to you. It’s a great movie! It’s a good mix of physics and Hawking’s personal story, woven together.

    I’m sorry I missed you this weekend! I hadn’t thought I’d be likely to come because I was entertaining my grandfather, but he ended up leaving early Sunday morning and I could have made it. I called Eoin around 2:30 to ask him what time things started at your house (I had evening in my head), but alas – too late. Everyone said it was fun, but that you kept getting dragged away to talk to family friends, long lost relatives, your high-school kazoo teacher, etc. I’m definitely looking forward to the wedding in August!! (Just kidding – I’ve got July on my calendar).

  3. Aaron Leichter Says:

    That’s okay. As they said, I didn’t get to chat with anyone very much. I don’t expect the wedding itself will be much different. But that’s why you’ll have to come to the party Friday night & the guests’ buffet on Saturday night!

  4. Fritz Bogott Says:

    I preferred “A slow history of speed.”

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