Archive for July, 2009


July 16, 2009
Sharon's house for talk about the Omega farm.

Sharon's house for talk about the Omega farm.

Over @ Sharon’s to talk about the Omega farm. Farm farm farm.


July 16, 2009

The general photo-a-day rule is one per day, but I’m breaking it with three from Aaron’s wedding:

Aaron & Nicole circling each other during the ceremony.

Aaron & Nicole circling each other during the ceremony.

Nicole aloft in a chair.  They kept her in the air longer than Aaron!

Nicole aloft in a chair. They kept her in the air longer than Aaron!

Dancing was on the stage of the old theater.  Nice venue.

Dancing was on the stage of the old theater. Nice venue.

Aaron & Nicole win! It was a great wedding & great weekend all around. Got married in the Hudson Theater, an old Broadway theater now attached to a hotel.

All the male guests got colorful crocheted yarmulkes (made by a Mayan crocheting collective, I think). The ceremony was lovely and the dancing music was great. It was a fun, fun weekend. Nice job, guys!


July 16, 2009
Aaron & Nicole at pre-wedding dinner.

Aaron & Nicole at pre-wedding dinner.

Wedding festivities, night two!

Aaron’s family organized a dinner for out-of-town guests tonight at the Landmark Tavern on, I think, 46th & 11th. It was great! Aaron’s relatives put on skits & did readings on the topic of marriage. It was quite nice.

We went out to a place called the Pony bar afterwords in the same general part of town. They had a great selection of beers. Bruce, Eoin & I considered walking over the Brooklyn bridge to wrap up the evening, but it was raining and I’d have had to get back to mid-Manhattan to get to my hotel anyway, so I declined.

Nice day all around.


July 16, 2009


Joe! in Times Square. Got into town for Aaron’s wedding tonight.

Noah arranged trivia about the couple at a bar in southeast Manhattan (I don’t know the name of the neighborhood – somewhere around Houston, I think. Soho? Dunno.) Noah does professional trivia & has a great sparkle-laden triva jacket he wears when he hosts. Snappy.

I stayed at the Gershwin Hotel in their dorm-style youth hostel. When I got in there were three drunk brits (two guys traveling together & one woman traveling alone), and a drinking-but-not-drunk woman from Germany and a guy from Mexico who learned English in London and was going to school in Paris (he had a weird accent). Later two Dutch sisters and a French woman arrived.

The British woman was trying to finish a bottle of Brandy she had, and gave me a couple of Brandys mixed with diet coke. I had planned to go to sleep early, but had a good time chatting with the Brits for a while. One of the British guys (named Josh), passed out in the British woman’s bunk and started puking in a waste-bin. Kind of like college 🙂 (Fortunately he was in the other room & I couldn’t smell it from where I was, so it was only amusing and not a hassle for me. The woman whose bed he passed out in took it in stride and chose another bunk. The puking seemed to do him good, because he didn’t have a hangover in the morning, whereas his traveling buddy complained of a headache.)


July 16, 2009
Omega office.

Omega office.

Went over to Omega tonight to look at finances for the farm with Sharon.

This room used to be a mud room / mess. I cleaned it out five or six years ago & put a desk & computer in there. Nice to see it’s stayed useful.


July 16, 2009


Today I came home to a batch of beautiful tomato plants and some nice flowers on my porch. No idea where they came from.

When I walked inside, Wyatt said the neighbor had dropped by earlier with a bale of straw that she thought was mine. Apparently it had gone on parade and ended up in her yard. No idea how.

A day full of mysteries.


July 16, 2009
Built a little bit of fence tonight.

Built a little bit of fence tonight.

Finally got in a little bit of fence tonight. Plan is to keep Ollie inside the yard, but away from the mailman.